If you are :

  • a Trust, Estate, Family, RE, Tax or a Business Attorney

  • an Accountant or CPA

  • a Financial Advisor, Financial Planner, or Insurance Agent

  • a Real Estate Broker, Business Broker, or a Mortgage Broker

  • a Doctor, Engineer, IT, Sales/Marketing or a Self Employed Professional

  • Retired or about to retire

  • a Small Business owner or an Entrepreneur

  • a member of a Charitable Foundation Fundraising Team


Why not help this growing donor base and the Charities (that do valuable work for the society, but constantly looking for funds)? You can substantially help your client’s financial position, even when charitable giving is not involved!

If you are approved to join our team, where regulations permit and if properly licensed, you can  make excellent money while helping others. You can work either part time or full time and still make good money!

 Contact Us Green Textured for additional information.