Create Your own Legacy … and benefit from it Financially!!
Do you want to improve your financial position while donating money to Charities?!!
Don’t settle for the paltry 20 to 50 cents on the dollar you save from the tax deductions.
Did you think
1031 Exchanges (sale of business, or other appreciated assets like Real Estate), or
401K and other Retirement programs (Defined benefit and defined contribution plans)
Actually save you on taxes? Remember that they are tax deferred programs, meaning you will pay taxes on the full appreciation or savings growth (sometime in the future, if not Today).
- What if parts of Biden’s budget proposals are enacted by Congress at sometime in the future, that can dramatically reduce or eliminate some of the Tax Free transfer, Lifetime Gifting and Estate Tax exemption provisions to transfer your wealth to your kids and grand kids {that are currently available through American Taxpayer Relief Act (ATRA)}?
You should make proactive planning now if you are 40+, but should do so even if you are in your 20’s with no kids. Failure to do so can cost your estate substantial taxes, independent of the size of your estate.
- Worried about a Stock Market correction? Would like to sell your appreciated Stocks to protect your gains, but don’t like the big Tax bill due?
Would you like to know how to minimize these taxes?*
We all received those pesky phone calls and letters from our favorite charity or Church, or from our own/kids’ schools … that they are in the middle of a Fund raising campaign and would like us to donate again. Sometimes we do, sometimes we get irritated, and sometimes we avoid the calls. One thing all of us know for sure is that most Charities are always looking for money.
Studies have shown Americans are the most Charitable people in the world, and donate well over $ 500 Billion / year (yes, that is 1/2 a Trillion in just one year). With the high cost of higher education, most universities have ramped up their fund raising activities. Do you know Harvard University alone has over $40 Billion, and Stanford University has about $30 Billion in endowments!!
In spite of the huge $500 Billion Market, typical donations are straight donations (with resulting minimal tax deductions, and loss of that money to donor’s personal estate). Even when Charitable Remainder Trusts are used, the benefits to the donors or even to the Charities, are not optimized in most cases.
Please read about some of our
to get a partial idea of what can be done. The case examples can help guide your secure financial future, whether:
You have plenty of retirement funds, or
You are in your 20s and just starting, or
You do not have enough savings for your retirement, let alone consider charitable giving.
Even if you thought that you received excellent Trust planning advice, you can see from the Case Examples
that most Tax, Trust & Estate planning, Financial and Business Advisors are not aware of the full power of properly executed Trust planning to benefit individuals and families. It becomes even more important when charitable donations are not considered.
If you are already a Donor or thinking of becoming one, how would you like to fulfill your desire to donate to your favorite charity, without impacting yours or your kids’ financial future?*
Have the Sample Cases given you more ideas for your Real Estate, Business, Estate and overall financial planning?
Hopefully, you already have a trusted Financial Planner/Advisor. However, most of us try and get 2nd opinions on serious legal or medical issues. Shouldn’t you think your financial future is important enough for you and your family, that you should get a free 2nd look at your current estate/financial planning? After looking at the case examples, how much will it cost you not to have us take a 2nd look at your current financial picture?
for additional information or for a free 2nd opinion.
If you have a Family Income of over $100,000/year, we will:
Help our clients become their own bankers
How would you like to potentially save $10K to $30K on an average car you buy?*
Receive multiple returns from the cash that is: (a) sitting in your checking account from your current business cash flow, or (b) used in your RE or Business purchase down payments, but is not actively working for you once the purchase is complete, or (c) your savings that are waiting for your next Business or RE purchase.
Offer college funding plans for kids that actually help the parents. (Unlike the popular but ineffective 529 plans).
Ex: With our help, 30 year old Parents can potentially contribute $180K towards their 5 year old Child’s college funding plan (to meet the approximate $75K/year of out of State college costs at the time the child enters college). Not only can the parents potentially takeout $300K (4*$75K/year) when the child goes to college without having to pay any taxes on that money, but also have enough money saved in the plan to generate upon their retirement approximately $180K of cash flow/year for the rest of their lives, again without having to pay any taxes on these sums !*.
What if the child gets a Scholarship or decides not to go to college? The plan is flexible and the monies are not committed to the child’s education only. The parents can use the money in the plan for their own Retirement, and can even plan to retire in their 50’s without impacting their Social Security benefits!
Provide better alternates to family Retirement and Savings plans.
Most experts recommend that you save at least 10% of your income for your future.
How would you like to see it grow risk free and as a superior alternate to: 401K programs, Defined Savings or Defined Benefits Plans?*
On your current IRAs or future retirement plans, how would you like a guarantee that you never lose your hard earned dollars when the stocks go down, but earn market based returns when the stocks go up?* How would you like to receive a guaranteed income for life, even if you live beyond 110?!*